How to make better decisions: 6 decision making heuristics by Tim Ferriss and Naval Ravikant

Nils Liedlich
1 min readJan 27, 2022

“Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life” Jerzy Gregorek

Taking decisions never gets easier, but making them does. That is, if you have the right tools. These following 6 heuristics help Tim Ferriss and Naval Ravikant when they face decisions. Let’s dive in:


1) Make reversible or fixable decisions as quickly as possible. Most decisions don’t have to be perfect. Instead, don’t overthink it and save energy.

2) Assess risks and benefits. Write them down. Can you cap the downside? Do the potential benefits outweigh the risks? Is there an unproportional upside?

3) Listen to your body. How does your head, your chest, your heart feel about this decision? Does it shout YES or do you feel any contraction?


4) If you can’t decide, the answer is no. There are tons and tons of options out there — don’t settle with a mediocre one. (Similar to “it’s either HELL YES or no”).

5) If you have two relatively equal options, take the path which is more painful and difficult in the short term. Naval says short term pain means there is long term gain.

6) Make the choice that will leave you with Peace of Mind. According to Naval, Peace of Mind is the precursor to happiness. You are content if when you are in peace.

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Nils Liedlich

18 y/o learner. I aspire to become a top 1% writer by delivering you actionable content around personal and commercial growth.